CJK Community

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CJK Community 



CJK Community

<The Importance of Cultural Exchange in Promoting CJK Community>

이재성 Jaesung Lee HS20440


[Table of Contents]

Pictures, Graphs…………………………………………………………………………………………………..3

I. Abstract…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..4-5

II. Factors Hampering the Growth of the CJK Community……………………………6-13

1. Defining History and Territory……………………………………………………………….7-8

2. Territorial dispute between Korea and China……………………………………….8-10

3. Territorial dispute between Korea and Japan…………………………………….10-11

4. Cultural and Political Conflicts between China and Other Nations……..11-12

5. Cultural and Historical Conflicts between Korea and Japan……………………13

III. Possibility of an Effective CJK Community……………………………………………..14-21

1. Economic Development…………………………………………………………………….15-20

2. Ultimate Chance Prosperity……………………………………………………………….20-21

IV. Immediacy of the CJK Community………………………………………………………….22-24

1. Role of Culture………………………………………………………………………………….23-24

V. The Role of Korea in the Establishment of the CJK Community……………25-29

1. Spread of Korean Culture………………………………………………………………….26-27

2. The Role of Future Generation…………………………………………………………………..28

3. The Key to Understanding…………………………………………………………………28-29

VI. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………………………..30

VII. Works Cited……………………………………………………………………………………………..31-33

Pictures, Graphs

Picture 1…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..9

Picture 2…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………11

Picture 3…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………13

Graph 1………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….18

Graph 2………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….18

Graph 3………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….19

Graph 4………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….19

Picture 4…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………26

Picture 5…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………27

I. Abstract

As time progresses, interactions among different societies and countries are becoming more important and frequent; in the process of the development of global network and trade, countries have never been more interdependent than before. Nevertheless, the CJK [1]Community is not properly doing its functions. Rather, the establishment seems improbable. In order for there to be a proper advancement in the relationship between East Asian countries, such including CJK, cultural interactions are crucial. In order to maintain and further expand, Korea is actively spreading its influence beyond its borders. But, Korea is not the sole country trying to expand and develop: other countries such as China are spreading its own authority through financial enlargements. Korea, on the other hand, while gaining its economic position in the global community and the CJK Community is doing more to expand its cultural influence—K-pop and dramas are just two examples of the cultural influence. As global interactions and relationships between CJK are gaining more importance, there a rising need for also the vitalization of the CJK Community. The proper establishment and activation of CJK Community will not only benefit the countries involved, but also the global population as it will foster trade, security, and development. In order for the institutionalization of CJK Community, cultural interactions are the most vital.

However, the CJK Community, as ideal as it sounds, is very primitive in both its form and function now. Rather, it is almost amorphous—it is yet to be properly established. Multiple obstacles interfere in the interactions between CJK. Such factors mainly involve differences in culture and political views. Although these unavoidable differences and conflict cannot be eradicated as CJK are all neighboring countries, each with its own interests, it is vital to make consensuses on the respective conflicts. Only pursuing and striving to achieve a goal, interfering with the interests of other countries is not preferable. Reaching a consensus will highly benefit the development of the CJK community, eventually bringing a great prosperity. The first step before trying to solve any of the conflicts within CJK to create a CJK Community which will actively participate to promote peace, economic prosperity, and political friendliness is to activate the flow of a dynamic cultural exchange.

II. Factors Hampering the Growth of the CJK Community

CJK, as neighboring countries have special intimate relationships; nevertheless, as close the three countries are, in the course of history, have been involved in many disputes, especially involving territory, culture, and politics. Even now, the hostility is not ignorable. The adversity that Japanese citizens have against those of Korea is still growing. The territorial disputes are also prevalent: between China and Korea, Korea and Japan, conflicts involving history of Manchu and a small island called Dokdo are interfering with peace in CJK.

Of course, CJK Community is an ideal that all three countries should hope to get established firmly in the future for its economic and political implications. However, currently, there are obstacles that countries have to overcome to decisively institute the community. The numerous problems that are blocking the proper cooperation and unification are not ones to be resolved in a short period of time. Rather, in order to properly solve these problems without worsening conflicts, every country must realize that they need to look forward to find a solution that would equally benefit the individual members of the CJK; also, each countries of CJK need to realize that their own self interests cannot be always fulfilled –the important aspect is that the general prosperity of CJK Community should be emphasized. Only then, with the maximum satisfaction of all three countries, the problem in the CJK will be able to be properly resolved—this is the first step to forming an effective unified CJK Community with both political and economic prosperity.

1. Defining History and Territory

History and Territory are two prime factors that define a country. A country without proper borders is not considered to be real. Also, all citizens within a nation share one common factor, history. Without history and territory, there is no identity

Recently, through dramas such as “해를 품은 달”[2], many Korean citizens are gaining a larger scope of history in Korea. Although the contents are questionable, the popular media is effectively fostering interest. Because of this phenomenon, many history related fictions and non fictions are on the rise nowadays. Why do people try to gain so much insight into history, although it is hard and sometimes requires vigorous memorization and analysis? This is because, like psychology, history is a scholarly subject which shows contrasting human minds and characteristics. Reading books, watching history dramas, or such, the readers can see the rise and the fall of new dynasties and empires, catastrophic wars, unjust political and cultural hierarchy, innovative developments in science and religion, and many more. Also, history reflects upon those who have achieved much through belief in different values such as love, bravery, happiness, and greed: one historical figure can reflect upon multiple of these values. Showing the nature of human feelings and thoughts, history makes the readers reflect back and inquire or often find specific answers to what humans are, and how humans can live righteously. Another important aspect of history is that it teaches the current generation what not or what to do. History always repeats itself. The reason why many learn history is to slow down or halt the unwanted processes in history such as World War I.

However, more importantly, history serves as an indication of a group’s identity. Without history, majority of the mass will not have any source to resort to: many nations, such as France base their sole trust upon the people’s nationalism and history. History, especially a long and an established one helped many people to relate and enhance their views of the home nation.

Without history, there is no nationalism, and without nationalism, there is no patriotism. In the end, a country is lost desolately, unable to define itself. Neglecting history away has detrimental effects.

Another identity delineating is territory. Territory defines the extent of a country: the extent at which citizens abide by only one law or where the citizens follow the same culture is basically defined by the borders of each country. Territory and borders help creating a national identity; everything within a border is part of one country and everything outside the border is, by definition, foreign. If a country loses a part of its territory, it loses part of its identity. No matter how small it may be, loss of a territory greatly affects a country.

Having realized how important both history and territory are, many countries try vigorously to keep and protect them. Naturally, with strong motivation and goals directed towards, conflict is natural. To keep its own identity each country fights but in due course, have started to hamper efforts towards peace.

2. Territorial dispute between Korea and China

For a long time, Korea and China have been involved in a historical conflict. The Manchu region, long ago, was occupied by former Korean dynasties called Goguryeo or Balhae. Now, China is claiming the history of such dynasties and all the architectures of the time through UNESCO as the ones of China, not Korea. China has a very probable reason for promoting this project.

The first and the major one is effective unification. Especially, in the Manchu region, China hopes to enforce national identities in the people living in the Manchu region. China is a nation formed of 56 minority groups and a few majorities. Although the minority only takes about 8.04% of the population currently, they occupy about 63.7% of the land in China. If national historical independence was granted to all of them, there will be disastrous results.  If histories of Balhae and Goguryeo are accepted as Korea’s history, the other 55 individual minority groups will work towards alsoseperating the history against China. In China’s history, disunity between the minority groups always resulted in a change of power. If China is able to at least integrate these minorities’ histories into China’s it will be able to greatly enhance their economic outputs as well. The minority groups usually occupy regions such as steppes, mountains, and grasslands. The regions where the minorities occupy are crucial for China’s economic development as they are one of the most resourceful places on Earth. For instance, Neimenggu region contains much of China’s agricultural output. This region is not only specialized for crop fields; there are about 6000 explored mining fields of great diversity. As the greatest producer of iron, Neimenggu contains the four out of six world’s most efficient and famous mining fields. This is the primary reason why China is trying to incorporate the histories of the minority groups or history of the Manchu region for their own benefit and purposes of unification.

As China is trying to integrate a major part of Korea’s history into its own, the foremost conflict arises from China’s national interest. This conflict hampers the development of CJK Community.

In the process of thinking of a solution, it is important to realize that history is not an object to be negotiated through. Rather, history should be a proven fact. Also, it is crucial that the interests of the two countries should not be harmed. There should be a solution in which the relationship between China and Korea is not harmed; for a long term solution, therefore, greater cultural interactions is the best solution at hand, as it is the only one that will peacefully help both countries promote their individual nation’s interests.

If Korea loses its own history and China continues on its plan to unify further its country, the two country’s relationship will obviously worsen as this conflict, the conflict of history, is directly correlated to the conflict of territory.

3. Territorial dispute between Korea and Japan

Korea and Japan have been involved in a long conflict where they have been fighting over a small piece of island, rich of both resources and natural products such as fish and squid and oil. Although of Korea’s effort to claim Dokdo, Japan has named it Takeshima and dedicated time to claim it for its self interest. For instance, in the Japanese textbooks, Takeshima is noted to be included in the territory of Japan. Korea also has been trying to prove that Dokdo is its own territory by creating many social organizations such as VANK, which still promotes preserving Dokdo as its own territory. This issue is sensitive for both Korea and Japan as history has constantly changed its sides to give this territory to either of the two countries, Korea or Japan.

In solving the territorial conflict between Korea and Japan, the national interests of both countries should, of course, be considered. The territorial conflict especially involves balancing the national interests of both countries. Neither Japan, nor Korea is willing to give up the territory in which their respective history proves that the land is obviously theirs. Also, neither of the two countries is willing to share the island full of resources and potential prosperity. In solving this problem, the approval of an international society is also needed as territory cannot be determined without the approval of the entire globe. Both countries should not try to act so quickly to irritate the others. This problem, involving the boundaries of the two countries should govern very meticulously.

4. Cultural and Political Disputes between China and Other Nations

China, from the birth of its history, has placed a special importance on the national unification. As it effectively unified its nation, starting from the Han dynasty, it started to create a stable self sufficient society. Overtime, China has accepted the notion that all the other nations or civilizations outside of it are barbaric. From then, China started to put less importance on the trade: the Ming Dynasty, for example, has never been too careful in the relationships with other countries. The best it did was sending out tributary boats in the Indian Ocean to acquire tributary nations, with the fleets of Zheng He—the results were prosperous but China banned the tributary trade because of internal conflicts. China needed to defend itself from the nomads of the North. It never placed much importance on trade as well, knowing that the dynasty could run self sufficiently. Although the notion that the country can run self sufficiently without trade is gone, as globalization prompted every nation to be involved in trade, there is still a factor of a Chinese society lingering: many Chinese still have the notion of superiority, that their ethnicity is greatest of all[3]. This notion can easily lead to conflicts with the people of other countries. However, this perspective is at last starting to fade away. Up until Mao’s rule where cultural ethnicity was valued and westernization was not, this notion was strong. However, as major cities of China are becoming industrialized, and much of its culture is also getting westernized, China has almost thrown away such bias.

5. Cultural and Historical Conflicts between Korea and Japan

Apart from the territorial conflict, Korea and Japan has some lingering hatred towards each other. From 1910 to 1945, Korea was under the colony rule of Japan. As a colony, Korea suffered. From this time period, Koreans have developed a sense of hatred towards the Japanese as people who are barbaric and ruthless. Even until now, this sense of hatred is left in the minds of many Korean citizens; Japan and Korea are called close but far countries as territorially. Korea and Japan are two very close countries but in their views, are radically different. Also, some Japanese also are living with bias that Korea is inferior under Japan: it is true that much of the technology and culture that Korea has today are, in a way, originally from Japan, but this does not mean that Korea is inferior.

Also, many Koreans have to realize the fact that, although this period shows the barbaric nature of the Japanese people, that history is the past. What Japan has done to Korea might be one of the cruelest in history, but not all Japanese are as merciless and sadistic as the people of the time period. Such misconceptions should be eliminated in a society. In a time when international relationships are the most valued, as more and more countries are becoming dependent on each other, such differing views can cause great disadvantages. What is done is done, and it is now time to move on.

II. Possibility of an Effective CJK Community

Only recently, countries in East Asia, especially CJK and India, have been able to gain a notable position in the world stage. Before the 1980s, East Asia was unimportant. However, through cooperation and development, countries in East Asia gained some respect globally. China is predicted to be the next global superpower, directly following the U.S. Now that economy has grown in many parts of Asia, there is a growing need in the establishment of CJK Community. If CJK Community effectively plays role, there will be great advancements and benefits to not only Asia but also the world.

But CJK Community is an ideal that all three countries should strive towards. The possibility of CJK Community actively participating in the financial and political aspects of three countries is low, especially in current societies, but there is a clear need for the establishment of such system, which will ultimately benefit each individual country in the end. For now, in order for the possibility of such system to increase, each of the countries must realize the benefits of such system – with such realization; each country will feel a need to put a direct effort into establishing CJK Community.

For now, as all three countries in the CJK realize that cooperating with each other especially economically is beneficial, for any possibility, economic cooperation is vital.

1. Economic Development

The global economic crisis was an event that brought down the status of the United States. In this global chaos, many countries including the United States, suffered: many economists and scholars predicted that United States will not be able to gain its status as a global superpower again. As a result, the world’s attention shifted to East Asia, where many foresaw that to be a place of new development, ideas, and power. Also, in reality, many East Asian countries are now expanding their influences over the world in many aspects such as politics, diplomacy, and trade. China holds more bonds than the U.S. does now. It became a new economic hub, carrying the responsibility to lead the global economy. Also, as economically prosperous and developing countries, both Korea and Japan are keeping their status in the global community. If CJK Community is established properly, the effect of it in the global community will be great.

It is interesting to note the growth of the East Asian Countries’ economic development recently. GDP grew rapidly in countries of East Asia. The growth of China’s economy is an ongoing process. Also, many predict that China is on its way to becoming a global economic power in the next 10 years. Not only this, Japan, as a growing economic power, also still shows and keeps its position as a global economic power while Korea is developing also rapidly.

In the late 20th century, many East Asian countries followed Japan’s economic growth. Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan became the economic hubs of the world. “The Tigers[4] have had annual growth rates of output per person well in excess of 6 percent. These growth rates, sustained over a 30-year period, are simply amazing. While the average resident of a non-Asian country in 1990 was 72 percent richer than his parents were in 1960, the corresponding figure for the average Korean is no less than 638 percent” (Michael Sarel). With the brisk economic development of these countries, East Asia became an un-ignorable center of trade and investment.

Korea, with the cooperation of these developed nations, further advancements were possible. For instance, the car industry experienced rapid growth through the cooperation of Korea and Japan. Now, Korea is the world’s 5th largest automobile manufacturer with the world’s largest automobile assembly plant as a part of Hyundai Motors. Also, Korea has the access to the fastest networks as well. More importantly Korea rose as the 8th largest exporter in the world ahead of the UK, Russia, and Canada in 2010.

Japan, from the period of Meiji Restoration, has always respected westernization: through westernization, it went through effective industrialization and continued to improve in its economy. Japan became the first country to be recognized economically by the western countries.

China, after multiple political conflicts, settled down to form a stable economy. China, in the 1990s, had the 18th biggest export market, behind Switzerland; nevertheless, China, as 2006, has reached up to attain the position to have the 6th biggest export market in the world. There has been a massive growth, more than 1000% in the export market of China[5].

If all the three countries cooperate economically, the globe will not be able to ignore the power of not only the individual nations but also East Asia as a whole.

Graph 1: People’s Republic of China’s Nominal Gross Domestic Product (GDP) between 1952 to 2005

Graph 2: Korea’s GDP Growth from 1960 to 2007

Graph 3: South Korea’s Economic Recovery after 1997

Graph 4: Japan GDP Growth Rate

Except for the fall of the GDP Growth Rate in Japan, because of the series of natural disasters and global economic crisis, China and Korea have experienced an unimaginable increase in their GDP over the past few decades. As shown through the graphs above. If the countries of such development cooperate to form an effective financial and political unit, the result will be more than promising. If CJK recognize that cooperation will greatly increase their economic output, the three countries will inevitably cooperate to create a functional CJK community.

2. Ultimate Chance of Prosperity

The political hostility that CJK faces against each other hampers the growth of the CJK Community. Especially, with North Korea in the middle, South Korea and China are involved in a severe political conflict. China, preparing for when South and North Korea unify, is trying to exert as much pressure and influence over North Korea.

The historical and the territorial dispute also can be categorized as political quarrels that CJK have never attempted seriously to solve. If the kinds of political disagreements continue, the possibility of an effective CJK Community is very low. The probability of the CJK Community being established in a society over a short period of time is extremely low. If any dispute makes a fracture between the relationships regarding CJK, CJK Community, even though established, will be very unstable.

As a long term goal, the institutionalization of the CJK Community is not low. Time is the solution to every crisis. After enough cultural exchanges that will establish firm bonds within CJK, the CJK Community will automatically form. This is not a process that can happen overnight. Rather, in order for a community, as large as the CJK Community to successfully achieve its purpose, at least a generation has to make a sincere effort.

The CJK Community, weather visibly functioning with a name or amorphously running without an institutionalized name, will eventually form. The period of time which it will take to properly settle the large community is up to the efforts of the citizens and the governments of CJK to cooperate and work towards the betterment of the common goal. With vigorous effort, the CJK Community will be established as quickly as the next generation; however, if laziness and hostility dictates the individual societies in CJK, the community will be created over more than a century, may be even more.

IV. Immediacy of the CJK Community

With such promising anticipated results, CJK Community must be institutionalized quickly. Overtime, the cultural disputes, one involving the different point of views of history will diminish. Nevertheless, some major foreseeable disputes such directly involving territory will linger to hamper the advancements of the countries involved if it continues to be left unsolved. Considering, there is a need for a clear definite solution, which will lead a better cooperation between the countries in East Asia. In order to lessen the conflict between the cultures and in order to ease the territorial conflicts in general, there is a need for an effective cultural exchange between East Asian countries. A cultural exchange is especially helpful to improve the relationship statuses between these countries. Cultural exchange means that the interacting countries have a chance and a factor in which all of them can unify on. Only with a single unifying factor that binds all of the countries together, other forms of exchanges will be significantly easier. Any form of cultural unity can give a rise to a new identity. A single new unified identity will be sufficient to lead the CJK Community to be prosperous.

1.Role of Culture

CJK, all have to play a part in the cultural exchange. This means that a single country, directly influencing the cultures of other two countries but getting nothing in return will not be an effective cultural exchange. All three countries will have to contribute to form a cultural unity in East Asia. In a way, the cultural unity will only be created when all the existing forms of culture mingle together to form a new culture within East Asia.

A community should have at least a single unified goal or purpose that it strives towards. The CJK Community should try to serve the purpose of making the East Asian countries more prosperous both economically and culturally. The role that culture plays in creating a community is very important as it gives the sense of belonging. With a single unified culture, in which all countries involved in CJK Community can relate back to, a sense of belonging is crucial. The notion that all share the same goal is very important in creating a community. The cultural exchange is the easiest mode of providing the countries with the sense that all share a common goal. Having a source or an organization to relate back to is crucial to not only defining the role of a country in the community but also providing a room of safety. Cultural exchange is the first step to establishing all of these factors.

In establishing the proper cultural links, at first, there will be only a few sets of loose networks which not all people within three countries will be able to relate to. Nevertheless, with the increase of number and scope of these connections, the loose will eventually combine to be strong and firm. Also, in the process, there will need to be a point where all three nations will be able to understand the cultures of each others, no matter how barbaric or unreasonable they might seem while still abiding to the general call of the CJK Community. When all these are established, an effective cooperative link between three countries will enable each to be more prosperous.

If the historical and the territorial conflicts continue without any efforts to advancements, the adversities between CJK will worsen. Before further deepening, immediate action is crucial.

V. Role of Korea in the Establishment of CJK community

As aforementioned, cultural unity is the foundational basis for creating any community. The role of Korea will not be to lead in creating the CJK Community, but should be a member of such promoting exchange between the countries. Already, there has been a distinct progress in Korea’s effort to promote a prosperous CJK Community, but in order for it to be more successful, a more enforcing plan is needed.

Multiple different steps could be taken in order to lay a strong foundation for the CJK Community to prosper. As much of the goals and steps in creating the CJK Community are still elementary, Korea’s role in trying to create a cultural unity in East Asia will be crucial.

If Korea starts to open its own individualistic culture to other countries and readily accept those of other cultures, especially of China and Japan, other countries do the same as well. Rather than playing a leading role in creating the CJK Community, stimulating other countries to do what Korea has done will be the first goal to achieve. After some period of time, all three countries will be ready for the next step to create a proper CJK Community, acting both as a political and an economic organization of unit.

1. Spread of Korean Culture

Much of the Korean Culture has already spread to other countries. For instance, K-pop and Korean dramas are big phenomenon in other countries nowadays, with the development of the thought the listening to K-pop is cool and watching Korean dramas such as ‘대장금’ is fashionable, many Chinese and Japanese people are beginning to accept Korean culture. Especially in Japan, K-pop is playing a significant role. Many K-pop singers are now producing albums in Japanese as well. For instance, Big Bang, a famous Korean K-pop group consisted of five people, have produced an album for the sole purposes of advancing its influence even over to Japan. Also, Big Bang has held solo concerts in Japan as well, proving its widespread influence even in foreign lands. Many Japanese people are accepting, rather becoming zealots of such singers. As these phenomenons continued and still continue, there was and is an unprecedented effect. Although the promotion of K-pop into foreign lands such as Japan was originally for the group’s own economic interests, the results were promising overall. More and more Japanese are becoming to respect Korean culture and accept them. This is a clear example of cultural exchange, rather a cultural blend, in which Korea has affected Japan. These positive phenomenons should continue on to lay a foundational basis for creating a sustainable CJK Community.

K-pop is not the only culture that Korea spread to other countries. Korea influenced China in not so much the K-pops but through different dramas. For example, in China, a famous Korean Drama called ‘대장금’ was successful. As ‘대장금’ is a story which effectively conveys the Korean culture through showing different kinds of food that Korean ancestors traditionally served in palaces, it not only served as a great fun to many Chinese but also as a prime mode in which they could learn Korean culture. As time passed and more and more of these influences spread over even to China, many Chinese people have affected much of Korean culture.

So far, Korea has been doing a decent job in effectively getting citizens of other nations to think positively of its culture. However, there is a further need to spread not only the popular culture but the traditional culture of Korea. Such include factors such as Arirang, traditional folk songs of Korea or Pansori, traditional songs that were usually sang to express doubt and dissatisfaction towards the government by the ancestors. If Japan and China can find a similarity to their culture to these forms of arts, a stronger bond will form between these countries, stronger than the one existing right now.

2. The Role of the Future Generation

In order for the CJK Community to settle, the burden is rather up to the future generation than the current generation. Therefore, interactions between the children and teenagers of different countries are also important factors in creating a cultural phenomenon. If different countries could hold a forum in which teenagers get chances to share their own culture, more and more of the population of the future generation will be able to accept the cultures of other countries. Understanding is the first step to the creation of trust between the East Asian countries. Through understanding, the future generation will be able to create stronger forms of bond, crossing the cultural borders.

3. The Key to Understanding

Korea’s role is not just spread its culture to other nations such as Japan or China, but is also to accept ones of other countries. Korean societies still have strong distaste towards culture of other countries especially towards Japan and China.

The hatred towards the Japanese culture can be shown through comics. Koreans are highly biased against the people who watch Japanese animies and comics. As a result, these activities have become almost a taboo in a Korean society. Also, many Koreans mock specific phenomenon in Japanese culture thinking that Japanese people are crude and rather anti-social. For many Koreans, dying the hair color purple or of exotic color is viewed as odd. However, for the Japanese these practices are rather respectful because they show a strong personality and individuality. The clash in the cultural understanding is great.

Also, Koreans have a strong hatred towards Chinese culture as well. China has many cultures that Koreans cannot just understand. As a result, Koreans became accustomed to thinking that China is a country where shops deceive a customer, making chicken out of wooden chopsticks or meat out of rubber. Nit picking only on the negative sides of the Chinese culture, Koreans feels a strong hatred.

These views have to be significantly altered for the creation of CJK Community. If people think that the Japanese or Chinese cultures are too barbaric, effective communication will be sure to fail, as well, bring a decline to the CJK Community.

VI. Conclusion

As global interactions and inter-countries relationships are gaining more importance, there a rising need for also the vitalization of the CJK Community. The proper establishment and activation of CJK Community will not only benefit the countries involved, but also the global population as it will foster trade, security, and development. In order for the institutionalization of CJK Community, cultural interactions are vital.

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[1] CJK is a commonly accepted term for China-Japan-Korea

[2] According to AGB Neilson, a trusted rating system, 42.2% of Koreans watched ‘해를 품은 달’ at the same time on March 15, 2012.

[3] “Being nationalistic, [Chinese people] have the tendency to equate foreign criticisms with a wholesale assault on the Chinese culture. Like educated South Koreans, educated Chinese detest their motherland being portrayed as a barbaric nation because of dog eating or other practices criticized by Westerners” (Shuxian, Li, Su).

[4] “Between the early 1960s and 1997, the four Tigers rapidly industrialized and maintained sustained high growth rates (Fogel, 2005).  Two factors attributed to their economic success were a highly disciplined and productive workforce that received relatively low wages (e.g., Li, 2002), and an export-driven economic development strategy  (Moody, 1996; Wikipedia, 2006; World Bank 1993). The result was that these four societies managed to develop from third world to first world, or near first world economies within four decades (Fogel, 2005; World Bank 1993)” (Various Authors, Four Tigers And The Dragon: Values Differences, Similarities, AND Consensus).

[5] “China’s economy has experienced remarkable growth since economic reforms were initiated in the late 1970s and pushed forward by a number of complementary policies. Since the mid-1980s, rural township and village-owned enterprises (TVEs) development; measures to provide a better market environment through domestic market reform; fiscal and financial expansions; the devaluation of exchange rate; trade liberalization; the expansion of special economic zones to attract foreign direct investment (FDI); the state-owned enterprise (SOE) reform; agricultural market liberalization, and many other reforms have all contributed to China’s economic growth” (Huang, Yang, Rozelle).

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